Domain name and trademark search

Our free domain and trademark search looks for you in Whois data of the registries for domain names and for identical German trademarks, EU trademarks and international registrations. In an identity search, only identical brand names are searched, so it does not replace a trademark search for similar brands as we offer our customers via the customer information system.

Please note that the results are provided on the basis of the official databases without any guarantee that they are up-to-date and complete.


Domain already registered?

We are sorry, but it appears that the domain is already registered. If you own this domain, you're welcome to transfer it to your portfolio with us.

However, if the domain has been registered by someone else, we can assist you by submitting an anonymous purchase request or adding the domain to our monitoring service. There's a possibility that the current owner no longer needs the domain. In such a case, we'd be happy to help you gain access to it.

To initiate a purchase request, please log in to our customer portal. If you don't have login credentials yet, you can easily create a user account here.

Register domain

Congratulations! This domain is now available for registration. Why not seize the opportunity and proceed with this process?

If you don't have an account with us yet, don't worry! We're here to assist you. Please feel free to reach out to us or create an account for our customer information system here.

Even more features customers can define and execute significantly more extensive and automated research within the customer information system. Additionally, you'll find comprehensive management functions for brands and domain names.

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